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mom & grandma Missing You Both Always October 23, 2017
Wish you both were here.
heidi cizio Mom & Grandma September 12, 2017
To my angelsKiss
heidi cizio Mom & Grandma September 12, 2017
I miss you's Kiss
heidi cizio Mom & Grandma August 24, 2017
Loving you's always!
mom & grandma Missing You's August 7, 2017
I miss and luv you!
mom & grandma Happy Mother's Day Gina in Heaven May 13, 2017
Mom & Grandma
mom & grandma I Love You's May 13, 2017
mom & grandma Your Forever in my Heart December 14, 2016
For all you were to me in life
And all the joy you brought,
Your memory is with me
In every single thought.

The pain I felt at losing you
Will never go away,
But knowing that
you're in my heart
Helps me through each day

When you were here I always felt
That nothing could go wrong
But your still my inspiration
And your memory keeps me strong.

And though my heart is heavy
It's also full with love,
And that's enough to comfort me
While your in heaven above.
heidi birthdays September 3, 2012

Birthday in Heaven


It’s your birthday up in heaven,
And I’m wondering what you’ll do.
Will there be a celebration
And a cake to honor you?
Are the kitchen angels busy
Breaking eggs and sifting flour?
Is the angel choir practicing
As it gets close to the hour?
Is there ice cream made from snowflakes
And some candy made from clouds?
Will it be just you and Jesus,
Or all the happy crowds?
I won’t be there to hug you
Or to count and pull your ears,
And I’m sure I’ll feel lonely
As I shed some birthday tears,
But I know your heavenly birthday
Will be your best one ever!
Just remember, I still love you --
On your birthday, and forever


Lora Ellis Miss you cuz July 1, 2012
Gina was such a big part of my life that there are still days that I will pick up the phone to call her when something funny, sad, or bad happens. I miss talking to her.  I loved to make her laugh and we had those kind of jokes that only we thought were hilarious.  I cant wait to laugh with you and see your smile again...luv you and think of you each and every day.
heidi For Gina June 18, 2012
As beautiful as a rose to see,
Was her life she lived so gracefully.
She made things precious by her touch,
Her selfless love lives on in each of us.
The petals of her life fell one by one,
Each  a gift of her heart till there were none.
Yet her radiance blooms once again
in fields of glory with no end.
Tina Mysierowicz
Hey guys I miss you both so much. Im having a hard time trying to wrap my brain around all of this still I'm sure I'm not the only one. Went to my first family wedding (minus Jordans) in along time, it was great to be with the whole family. One thing missing was you guys it was so hard. I never noticed before how much you look like your mom but I did that night. I caught myself a couple times doing double takes and almost coming to tears cause I thought it was you. I know you were there is spirit and I am being purely shelfish in saying I want here now! I dont think Ill ever be able to heal from this, I have a hole in my heart. Miss you tons and think about you everyday!! Love Ya
heidi cizio
Just thinking about you today and how Mother's Day is coming up and how you loved being a mom and spoiled andrew every chance you got. I know your family is still thinking about you guys everyday and still wondering why or how can this have happened. how can someone take a life with no regard for others? .I hope your talking with grandparents and aunt rhonda. love you and miss you..  
Lora Ellis

      Calvin and I took the kids to the roller skating rink last Thursday night, and immediately when I walked in I thought about Gina because we used to go skating there with the church youth group when we younger. Later on in the night, I went into the bathroom and as I did the D.J. began playing one of the songs that was played at Gina's funeral.  With my eyes filled with tears, I looked up towards heaven and said, "God...I miss you Gina." As I stood at the mirror trying to fix my make-up, a girl about 9 years old skated in and said hi to me and I said hi back. After she was in there with me for a few moments, all of the sudden she turned towards me with a puzzled look on her face and said "Hey where did your friend go?" I turned towards her and said "What honey?" She then told me that when she skated in, there was a girl standing right by my side the whole time I was in there. Even though I repeatedly assured her that I had been in there by myself the whole time, she insisted that there was someone with me and then all of the sudden they were gone.  As I fought back tears, I asked the girl what my friend that had been standing by my side looked like. "Well," she said as she turned to leave, "she kind of looked like you, but she was a little shorter and had lighter hair." 

      I stood frozen there as I thought about what had just happened. Never in my life had I ever experienced something like that. In fact I am still not exactly sure what happened, but I feel like it was her and God's way of letting me know that a part of her is still with me...and with us all for that matter.  Every time we help out a friend, or sing the words to our favorite Tim McGraw song, or smile wide and laugh out loud...she is there.  So until I get to wrap my arms around her in heaven when God calls me home, I am thankful for my little piece of heaven that He gave me here on earth.   

heidi cizio
remember all the concerts we went to with our cowboy hats and you new all the words to every song.tim mcgraw  is coming up and thinking about you. i bet u have the best seat for this one. love you.
heidi cizio
I remember when we went to see tim mcgraw in pa. and it was outside on the grass in a field by nothing .we waiting in line along time with jennifer and eric. when it was time to let us crazy fans in everyone starting running like crazy , and we made eric take off and follow everyone and get us a seat on the grass with our blanket and then we had to find him among 20.000 fans and we were stepping on everyones blankets. it was so hoy in the 90's that day but we had a blast and we saw bin ladden at the gas station. lmao
eric kalinski
i remember when me and jennifer would go babysit for andrew and gina would always cancel her plans just to hang out with us, she would even let us drive to get mcdonalds even when we were only 15. Its funny when i babysat for her because i remember when she babysat me and jeremy threw up all over me and she woke me up and cleaned me up. Its still so hard to believe I will never get to go on another roadtrip with you aunt heid and jen or sing along to tim mcgraw ever again. AUnt Linda, being my godmother would always get me for a week in the summer and gina would always make time for me and i always wished she was my sister and she was for a little while when she lived with us. I will never forget you or Andrew i love and miss u both very much
Tina Ramey
I remember when I moved in with Mom,Dad and Gina.  It was a very confusing time for me but Gina was only 7 at the time and she accepted me from the first day as if I'd been there all of her life and that will stay with me for life. She was a very special person in so many ways.  We shared a room and so at 17 I didn't have much privacy but sometimes that was a good thing, because there were a lot of times i would cry at night because i was scared or confused about something and she would curl up against me and hug me and tell me not to cry because she loved me and everything would be ok.  I remember when mom used to tell her to get the brush so she could fix her hair for school  and she would bring it to me and ask me to do it after she figured out that I would.  She always had a smile for me aand a hug   We've all said how much of a special person she was but noone will ever know how much it meant to me when she came to my real mother's funeral 13 years ago thispast Nov....even though she didn't know her brothers and sisters that well she was there for us when Mom died....I'll never forget that.  I love you Gina.
Lora Ellis
All growing up, we were together. She used to spend that night at our house and at night she would get homesick...so I would put on shows for her to make her laugh. We also would lock Dena out of the house, and when she would try to climb in the kitchen window, Gina and I would pour buckets of water on her from the upstairs window. I am laughing right now thinking about all the funny memories. I also used to go on vacation with Aunt Linda, Uncle Kenny, and Gina all the time. It seemed like whenever I went, there was a huge thunderstorm, blizzard, or natural disaster! We all began to joke and call it "Creech Curse"...but they never stopped taking me with them.  I remember going to a concert with Gina and the breaks going out on her car when we were on the freeway, and I remember her going with me as back-up when I went to break up with an old boyfriend.  A one time I moved in with Uncle Kenny and Aunt Linda, so Gina and I shared a room. We used to stay up all night talking, laughing, and playing Dr. Mario. We shared make-up, hairspray, clothes, jewelry, dance moves, food, a bedroom, vacations, school friends, church friends, boyfriends (sorry Cal), wedding plans, pregnancies, laughs, tears, and love. But most of all we shared a piece of each others heart....I think my greatest memory with Gina will be when our hearts are reunited in heaven and I get to see her again. Until then I will be thinking of her always.
Dee Hopp
I have a lifetime of memories...
sleepovers, chasing boys, youth group trips, making videos, sharing secrets, and getting into trouble.  One of my favorite memories of Gina is when I first got my driver's license - Lora, Gina, and me were out having fun - Lora and I locked Gina out of the car and made her chase us all the way down Gratiot in her flip flops!!!  I don't think we ever laughed so hard - I take that back, we always laughed hard when we were together.  Gina was a beautiful person, with an incredible sense of humor, and when she loved - she loved hard.  Gina would do anything for the people that she loved.  The loss of my cousin has devastated me and I am angered that her life was taken from her.  I will never forget her sweet smile, that silly giggle, and those long eyelashes.  Gina will always be remembered.   
heidi cizio
I remember when gina was born ,she didn't have much hair but she did have beautiful eyelashes, i used to babysit her and i would put on surfer girl from the beach boys lp and would dance with her she loved it. i felt so honored to be her godparent .I loved going shopping with her for deer widows shopping days which was when your husband went hunting the wife would get to go shop and get deals  she always took me. we would get up at 4am to xmas shop at the stores. we also went to alot of tim mcgraw concerts she is the one that got me hooked on country music. I will never forget her beautiful smile and her helping everyone she new.
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